The blue box to the right contains a short summary of Skinner's Box. To understand how offending addictive video games are created, you have to first understand the underlying psychology that is being used. Skinner staggered the interval distances more and more, but the mouse pressed on. He found that the mouse would keep pressing the lever until it got food, no matter how long it took. Skinner, a devious psychologist as he was, decided to start rewarding the mouse's efforts only part of the time (this is known as interval reinforcement). This is known in Skinnerian psychology as continuous reinforcement. The mouse would then be conditioned to expect food after pressing the lever. This box contained a lever which the mouse could press to open a closed compartment, revealing food. Some time ago, a psychologist that went by the name of Burrhus Frederic Skinner decided to put a mouse inside of a box. Read on as I explain the psychology concept of Skinner's Box and how it relates to video game creation nowadays.

Considering the success of such video game industry giants such as Zynga, and how much they are worth as a company on the market, it's no surprise that games are being commercialized in such a manner. Whether we realize it or not, a great deal of video games are made with addictiveness, and not fun, in mind. This hub is going to talk about the psychology involved in creating addictive video games.