Screenlets version <= 0.0.14 were written in Python later on the concept of web widgets were introduced which were typically written in HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Works with any composited X desktop as well as non-composited desktop.Deploy Google gadgets on screenlets engine.A wide range of screenlets/widget to choose from.Easy from End-user point as well as from Developer point of view.Widgets represents virtual things on desktop viz., Clock, Sticky notes, weather, Calculator, Calendar,… Features of Screenlets They serves as eye candy besides improving overall system experience of modern Linux-desktop. Screenlets are small pieces of application commonly called widget. Designed specially to run on X11-based compositing windows manager like compiz. It was Originally Developed by ‘ Rico Pfaus‘, ‘ Helder Fraga‘ and ‘ Natan Yellin‘ for Unix-like Operating System. The same name screenlets refers to the engine as well as widget that runs on it. Screenlets is an application software released under GNU GPL.